Page name: The Alliance of Elven Swords [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-16 03:31:54
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Alliance of Elven Swords

This wiki is the hub of the Elven Alliance. This is not an RP.

For those of you who don't know about the Alliance, or aren't members, most of the Alliance members all have stories for their characters (they may not be up-to-date, readable, well written, ad nauseam) that are written from the author's point of view. There for the different stories are interesting when the characters meet, b/c you can read it from different character's points of view and that's cool... yea.... ^^

IMPORTANT NOTICE: the time line of the Alliance stories has changed. Me and my Muse have talked (no really, we did, on MSN.) and we decided it would be easier, and a much cleaner time line to go by. this will not effect too much in the stories (as few of you have gotten very far in your stories) but i expect you all to change accordingly. if you have any questions contact me. Thank you
-[Celeste of Darksword]

They are stories, so if your a writer and have a good idea please talk to us (or just do it and then ask about it)!




[Celeste of Darksword] - I'm the Original author, talk to me if you wanna join. the main story line is REALLY full...but talk to me anyway! we can make more than one story line!

[Ryo-oki] - Is said to be the authors muse that she is authors Muse gets prime second spot

[Dulce Vita] - <---I only gave him the third spot because he owns the page...

[Alleria] - LOOK! I AM higher on the food chain!

[Apollo of Crowingblade] - Sweet, number 5 at last. I'd like to thank myself, for not having a job and having extra time!

[Ceres of Laedun] - Hey I'm Lizzie.I'm not the best writer but the sarcasm makes up for it.Ceres is my character.If you want to here about her you gotta read her story since she doesn't come into the Alliance alot.She's one part wood elf one part faerie.You know you want to come to read her.Come witness the insaneness that is Lizzie's mind.Hahahaha!!!!!

[Driden of Duskblade] - the blah blah blah of this jumbled mess of things...

[leah of lightsword] - Kinda of a Co-Creator helpeds author when she has block or needs ideas, I like poultry.

[Aurora Of Moonblade] - The pyro of the group. Stained glass artist, and too random for her own good.

[ceridwen] - The Nessieness

[rshgngnflgn of vasilica] - the confused, silly one. Aww, he's silly. He is now offically a duck.

[tetsuo] - The Genasi(half elf, half elemental)

[Lizisthebest] - One day...I'll be Optimus Prime..just you wait and see

[maggie the pie] Total DITZ... a bit too outspoken... and well still a maze to figure out.

[chuchutrain] - Yay! *sits waving a flag with a giant "YAY!" on it*


[Saun Of ShadowSword] - I am not klutsy.I just gracefully hit the ground!!! ^_^

[.soldier] - Random guy @_@'.

[black worm] - Black Worm the keeper of the Dragons 

[Christia] - Umm? what'd she just say?

[~*~MLA*07~*~] - The Fashion Guru of the group...No j/k.. im just the one who gets pissed easily.. well sometimes and the one who wants to be understood and took seriously

[SpeedWacer] - The wace of the bunch, spreading love and cynicism to the masses.

[Drummin Maniac] - THE drummer of the bunch

[.ash.] - ...

[Deregan] - The new guy. Ultimate Dragon at your service, but I AM a dragon so I will bite back. Part vamp. too. Don't ask how.

[Morfeaohtarawen] - The forigner, i'm so alone in ohio Hehehe....Ohio is for Lovers...*snicker*

[ababy] - im the winny baby of the alliance. *boooooooooo-hooooooooo*

[Darren M] - im dannys boyfriend and a friend of lydias <-- ^^ he's the coolest gay guy on this wiki!...wait...he's the only one....@$^@.......WOOT go me i'm the COOL gay guy... the rest...suck...okay maybe that was a bad choice of wording...

[Everilde]~Otherwise Known as Larien Elensar.[Go Alliance! Yay!]

[-Living two Lives-]- Joel. He's a loser that can't link his own name. (lol, J/k!)

^They WUB us! ~A.S.
(If i put you in the wrong section I'm sorry, that may be due to the fact that you havent writen for a while, or a mistake on my part)


Stories/Alliance Related

The Alliance Stories Index

Alliance Characters - [Ryo-oki]

people of the alliance

*NEW* Alliance Info *NEW*

A Deeper Look

*NEW*Alliance of Elven Swords Banners*NEW*


Appeared once on the The Wiki Awards!


CREATOR: Lydia Simmons a.k.a [Celeste of Darksword]

PAGE OWNER: "Mr.Kinsey" [Dulce Vita] <---Jerk

PAGE IDIOTS: Lara (the squirrel), Danny, Bek bek, Amfomee Patchit (He does his patchiting when rshgngn messes up), Andrew (he does his rshgn.. wait a minute... what.), Steve (He's the new guy) And Joel (The whackiest guy you'll ever mee, but we love him...)

As you may very well have noticed I'm not on ET all that much anymore. So, if you need to discuss something w/ me (the direction of the Alliance, my story, idk what else, etc), I invite you to email me at -- Dulce Vita

Username (or number or email):


2006-12-08 [Lizisthebest]: ... jew

2006-12-08 [.soldier]: Yes?

2006-12-08 [chuchutrain]: oh...that's nothing new to me...I knew he's an emo girl...he looks like a greesy women at times...only sometimes...not very often...and he's the skinniest guy I know... *thinks* ...atleast one of the skinnies.

2006-12-08 [Lizisthebest]: ...

2006-12-08 [.ash.]: BLAH!!!!

*seeps away*

2006-12-09 [chuchutrain]: heh

2006-12-09 [Driden of Duskblade]: *watches the ashleyness seep away*

2006-12-09 [Alleria]: ...soooo.

2006-12-09 [.soldier]: -randomly throws bear traps about- Wheeee!

2006-12-10 [Celeste of Darksword]: she can seep? I wish I could seep.

2006-12-10 [Lizisthebest]: hmm i can a spider :P

2006-12-10 [chuchutrain]: spiders can seep?

2006-12-10 [Lizisthebest]: they can now

2006-12-10 [Driden of Duskblade]: wow...idn't that spiffy...

2006-12-10 [Celeste of Darksword]: *tries to seep*
darn it.

2006-12-11 [Lizisthebest]: awe ill teach you how to seep *seeps around*

2006-12-11 [.ash.]: jaskdfljaklsdjfdasl. gr.

2006-12-11 [Driden of Duskblade]: hehe look like ashy got mad at the keyboard...

2006-12-11 [chuchutrain]: o.O *tries to seep but only hits the floor* ooww...

2006-12-11 [Driden of Duskblade]: *tries to seep...ends up telaporting into a tree*

2006-12-11 [Lizisthebest]: wow great seeping driden

2006-12-11 [.ash.]: Hehe. Telaporting.

I've never ported a tela before.

2006-12-11 [chuchutrain]: I WANNA KNOW HOW TO SEEP! T.T

2006-12-11 [Lizisthebest]: 10.99 and i can teach you

2006-12-11 [Lizisthebest]: exact change ONLY

2006-12-11 [.ash.]: I teach you for 5 dorra. 5 dorra I teach. Cash only. No credit... onry cash.

2006-12-11 [chuchutrain]: I'll give you 2 nickles and a peice of string... ^______^

2006-12-12 [Celeste of Darksword]: I give The Ashleighness painting if she teaches me to seep!

2006-12-12 [Lizisthebest]: :O
i want a painting

2006-12-12 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol then each celeste to seep

2006-12-12 [Lizisthebest]: i get a painting if i teach you how to seep?

2006-12-12 [Celeste of Darksword]: can't seep as good as The Ashleighness. but we'll talk.

2006-12-12 [Lizisthebest]: *talks*

2006-12-12 [.ash.]: Painting! Oooo. Paint me... Well, not me, but my portrait. Though paint feels oh-so-smooth-and-cold on the skin. <3

2006-12-12 [maggie the pie]: Puddle of paint, Art Club, Magen. Gosh. I need to bring those back in, don't I?

2006-12-12 [Lizisthebest]: what? o.O

2006-12-12 [maggie the pie]: There was a huge puddle of paint, and I had heard about it, but me being blonde didn't pay no attention. I was walking back towards the back of the Art Room and talking to these two girls, when !BAM!. My big butt slipped and fell. FUNNY! I was going to paint the jeans anyway, but not quiet like that. Lol.

2006-12-12 [Lizisthebest]: lol awesome ^^

2006-12-12 [maggie the pie]: It was.
I had fun getting undressed and walking around in the other pair I had accidently left in the Art room. And I had to wear Danny's hoody without anything under it, cept my bra.

2006-12-13 [Lizisthebest]: lol ^_^
man i need new memories from this school...

2006-12-13 [Driden of Duskblade]: poor j/k it didn't bother me any...but i was funny to see that butt print on the floor lol

2006-12-13 [chuchutrain]: hahaha! that's awsome

2006-12-13 [maggie the pie]: Hahaha.

2006-12-13 [Driden of Duskblade]: yea it was...we should have taken pictures of that... sucks that we didn't...oh well it'll happen again...sometime

2006-12-13 [maggie the pie]: WTF! What do you mean it'll happen again? Do you really believe I am that clumsy, and tell Kyle I am mad at him. He never came to see me.

2006-12-13 [maggie the pie]: I know he's in the library with you. He said you had to dust.

2006-12-14 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...ummm that was a LOOOONG time ago
i was in the office today answering the phone and taking messages...

2006-12-14 [maggie the pie]: Oh, he said you would be in the library dusting, he said he wasn't going to stay so he didn't have to.

2006-12-14 [Lizisthebest]: ...
8 months....well 7 and a bit...^^

2006-12-14 [maggie the pie]: Do not tell me you counted? And Danny blame Kyle, he said you would be doing that. Oh my god. And no more piling in the back seat of her car, even though everyone else was squished, I almost escaped!

2006-12-14 [Lizisthebest]: lol no i didnt i was just bored and didnt know what to say so i found out how many months till july ^^

2006-12-14 [maggie the pie]: Whats July?

2006-12-15 [Lizisthebest]: a month of the year mid summer i do believe

2006-12-15 [maggie the pie]: I meant, what does July represent, why do you have to know eight months or whatever. I know what July is, the time of the fourth of July and my moms birthday, and someone elses.

2006-12-15 [Lizisthebest]: the time that if i have enough money should be sitting at Beavers house (for like....5 minutes from what it seems)

2006-12-15 [leah of lightsword]: THE LLAMA HAD IS EATING IT'S CHEESEBURGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_____^

2006-12-15 [Lizisthebest]: ...

2006-12-15 [leah of lightsword]: sorry inside joke type thing....

2006-12-15 [Driden of Duskblade]: WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO SEE THE CHEESEBURGER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WILL GO TOMORROW

2006-12-15 [Alleria]: The cheeseburger is soooo cute!!! I love the cheese burger!!! and the Llama. hehe.. the cheeseburger kinda looks like the llama. lol. I hope my acorn's that cute. (hope it looks like me too!)

2006-12-15 [maggie the pie]: I think I just got that joke. Yay. I'm in on it!

2006-12-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: Llama's make cute little cheeseburgers. 

2006-12-15 [maggie the pie]: They do! Cheeseburgers are adorable!

2006-12-18 [Driden of Duskblade]: don't worry alleria...i'm sure your acorn will be most adorable... i was going to go see the llama and the cheeseburger today but i couldn't find them...they aren't in the hospital and i didn't get and answer at the laama home or cell... :'(

2006-12-18 [Lizisthebest]: ...okay who's llama?

2006-12-18 [maggie the pie]: It's a inside thing.

2006-12-18 [Lizisthebest]: confused

2006-12-19 [maggie the pie]: Yeah. I was that way for a little bit.

2006-12-19 [Driden of Duskblade]: you would have had to been there to understand the full extended version... but in a nut shell it's our friend

2006-12-19 [maggie the pie]: Yepp. Oh gosh. I rode a Cuban Coaster today, gawd that sounds terribly bad.

2006-12-19 [Alleria]: ... O.o.. a Cuban Coaster? Was it a big one or a small one? <<.>> ^^

2006-12-19 [maggie the pie]: It was his car. We went during lunch and went WEEEEE!

2006-12-19 [Alleria]: lol ok. all you had to say was that it was a big one and that would clarify that. ^^ where did you goed?? A: to store B: Nowhere C:everywhere or D: all of the above??

2006-12-19 [chuchutrain]: D!! I have no clue what you guys are talking about...heh

2006-12-19 [Lizisthebest]: haha neither do i...

2006-12-20 [maggie the pie]: Well during lunch Becky, Lydia, Danny, Cuban, & Me all went to the store. And Cuban drives like a nut, so I was like weee weee.. it's a rollercoaster ride. Then Lydia was like nope, it's a Cuban Coaster.

2006-12-20 [Driden of Duskblade]: heh...yep a cuban coaster that plays panic at the disco as you ride

2006-12-20 [Lizisthebest]: ...riiiight

2006-12-20 [.soldier]: Didn't he get a speeding ticket? xD

2006-12-21 [Alleria]: scary.

2006-12-21 [Driden of Duskblade]: <img:44166_1164145253.gif>...possibly...

2006-12-22 [maggie the pie]: Yay. New cell phone.

2006-12-22 [leah of lightsword]: Really, alreday, that's an early christmas present.

2006-12-23 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol. HURRAH for early xmas pressies!

2006-12-23 [Driden of Duskblade]: yesh indeed...i'm going to largo for x-mas...

2006-12-23 [maggie the pie]: I got a new cell. Anyone that wants my number, message me.

2006-12-23 [.soldier]: Magen, you know my number, so call me and I'll have it. I'm too lazy to add it any other way. =]

2006-12-24 [Driden of Duskblade]: I CAN'T FIND MY JACK HOODIE AND IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE

2006-12-24 [maggie the pie]: Which one?
The 590 one or the other one?

2006-12-24 [.soldier]: 590 one.

2006-12-24 [maggie the pie]: Alright.

2006-12-24 [.soldier]: Happy holidays everyone! <img:61691_1132936287.gif>

2006-12-24 [maggie the pie]: Merry Christmas Eve!

2006-12-25 [.ash.]: mrghleblerghen.......

Happy Yule... Well, late Yule. (the 21st)

Blessed be. ^_^

2006-12-25 [Lizisthebest]: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

2006-12-25 [Aurora Of Moonblade]: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! I got a Sansa Rhapsody.....*looks in awe*'s so pretty. *cries*

2006-12-26 [Celeste of Darksword]: I GOTTA NEW LAPPY! ...and a printer/scanner. ^^ *hearts Curtis*

2006-12-27 [Driden of Duskblade]: ya...merry x-mas...i got more stuff from my friend in texas than i did my family...though the stuff my family got me was a wee bit more expensive... and i still can't find my jack hoodie and it really sucks...

2006-12-27 [Lizisthebest]: awe :(
lol yea my family stuff was a wee expensive buts its awesome ^^

2006-12-31 [Celeste of Darksword]: I like expensive stuff. ^^ *huggles new lappy*

2006-12-31 [Driden of Duskblade]: i got a gameboy advanced sp today... FOR FREE!!!! heck ya... latest update on jack hoodie...still m.i.a. :'(

2006-12-31 [chuchutrain]: happy holidays ^_^

2006-12-31 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol, poor Danny lost his pretty hoodie. good luck finding him.
HAPPY NEW YEAR('s eve)!!

2007-01-01 [.ash.]: Meh.

2007-01-01 [Celeste of Darksword]: ASHEY! Happy new year!('s eve)

2007-01-01 [Driden of Duskblade]:*sigh* thanks ee-wah...if i don't find it pretty soon i'm just gonna end up buying a new one...

2007-01-01 [maggie the pie]: HAPPY NEW YEAR IN 49 MINUTES!

2007-01-01 [Driden of Duskblade]: ya..HAPPY DON'T FORGET TO PUT 07 WHEN YOU WRITE THE DATE ON YOUR PAPERS!!!

2007-01-01 [maggie the pie]: I know. That will trick me.

2007-01-01 [Aurora Of Moonblade]: WOOOOOO!!!!! *takes a swig of wine* ......bad wine, that is. We got a bad year, but we got a better wine to drink tomorrow! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

2007-01-01 [chuchutrain]: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

2007-01-01 [Lizisthebest]: HAPPY NEW YEaR!!!! YA!!!!

2007-01-01 [.ash.]: Happy I don't have to worry about stupid school papers to write '06 on...and then scratch it out and write '07... Hehehehe.

2007-01-02 [Driden of Duskblade]: :p

2007-01-02 [chuchutrain]: I rarely write dates on my school papers

2007-01-02 [Driden of Duskblade]: we have to...

2007-01-02 [Lizisthebest]: ouch yea i had to in like...grade 8...since then don't really do it...i screw up on that too often anyways

2007-01-02 [chuchutrain]: that would suck...I used to write dates on my notes...that way I knew what pages went with what group of notes...but now there's note books!! yay! lol

2007-01-02 [Lizisthebest]: haha even before then i would just right the topic easy enough seeing as how most teachers use topic numbers

2007-01-03 [chuchutrain]: yeah but if it's more than one page then it gets confusing...atleast when for me...

2007-01-03 [Celeste of Darksword]: hmm....I still have a problem with writing 05 on my papers. This year I've written '05, '01, '07, '00, '10, '60 and '03. 2006 on a few rare occasions. I just stopped writing dates after I realized I had written 2060 on my paper.

2007-01-03 [chuchutrain]: hahaha that's awesome! I gave up awhile ago.

2007-01-03 [Lizisthebest]: haha well i doubt you were even alive to see an '10 and '60 lol but thats awesome

2007-01-03 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol ya i can imagine lydia writing those dates on...wouldn't it be weird if like 2060 turns into 1960...and like goes really retro... i think i'd have a heart attack

2007-01-03 [Celeste of Darksword]: I wrote 1995 on my paper like...last year. then I looked at it for a minute and was like....wait a minute...

2007-01-03 [chuchutrain]: hahaha...yeah that would be really

2007-01-03 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...geez you'd be what...6 years old??? and a senior in high school...GEEZ

2007-01-03 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol, yea sad part was it took me a minute i was thinking ok...i know the months right...and the day....why doesnt this look right?....oh....*erases year*

2007-01-03 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...dork

2007-01-04 [chuchutrain]: hahahah!! That has to be the greatest blonde moment of them all XD I love it. You're my hero... ^______^

2007-01-04 [Lizisthebest]: haha wow thats great beaver ^^

2007-01-05 [ababy]: hey guys i think i am going to start writing on elftown again. i miss yall lots. hugs and kisses audri!

2007-01-06 [.ash.]: Meep. ^^

2007-01-06 [Driden of Duskblade]: morp...

2007-01-06 [maggie the pie]: OMG! AUDRI! I miss you. I still want my blow dryer. :]

2007-01-06 [Lizisthebest]: who?

2007-01-06 [maggie the pie]: Audrianna. She moved to Jacksonville. :[

2007-01-07 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol're a dork...

2007-01-07 [maggie the pie]: I know. But it's okay. It's me. GOSH! WE ARE SENIORS AND THE YEAR IS ALREADY HALF OVER. I'M SAD. IS THAT BAD OR GOOD?

2007-01-08 [Driden of Duskblade]: DON"T BRING IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... do you think we wanna think about stuff like that...NOOOOOOOOOOOO

2007-01-08 [Lizisthebest]: awe damn you reminded me im almost dont school...which is good....kus then im that much closer to going down there ^^

2007-01-08 [chuchutrain]: wow...steve is a big bad senior!! O.O

2007-01-08 [Lizisthebest]: lol i know doesn't seem like it

2007-01-08 [Celeste of Darksword]: hehe.

2007-01-09 [maggie the pie]: But it's like, we always were like, I can't wait to graduate and now, we don't want to.

2007-01-09 [Celeste of Darksword]: um, I was never looking forward to graduating, thanks. that just marks the point when I have to get a life. XP

2007-01-09 [Lizisthebest]: im never gunna get a life ^^
if i do ill sell it for WEEEEEED...jk, ill sell it for a forty and be a bum on the no...better yet....ill be a bum on the sidewalk ^^ (less likely to get hit by cars that way)

2007-01-09 [chuchutrain]:'re gonna be a HOBO!!! XDXD you have a might be defective but it's still a life...not much of one but you know...^___^

2007-01-10 [Lizisthebest]: lol just please stop before i get burned even more lol

and hell ya ill be a hobo...i always wanted to be one, ever since i poked my first hobo..and went, "eeewwww what is that" then he was all like, "RAWR IM A MAGIC HOBO"...but he didn't grant me wishes..i think he was drunk :(

2007-01-10 [chuchutrain]: dang...well if you ever meet him again...make a wish for me too, ok?

2007-01-10 [Lizisthebest]: will do that

2007-01-10 [maggie the pie]: ........... hobo.

2007-01-10 [chuchutrain]: I know a girl who made a hobo

2007-01-11 [Lizisthebest]: haha what?

2007-01-11 [chuchutrain]: yeah...she was out looking for a job because she was going into debt...and this homeless guy asked her for some money. She was really stressed so she began to yell and tell him to go get a job...she said he started crying and she ended up giving him 10 dollars? or was it 20? something like that. lol

2007-01-11 [Lizisthebest]: oh wow

2007-01-11 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol! thats horrible! XD

2007-01-11 [Lizisthebest]: lol ya

2007-01-11 [maggie the pie]: .. thats sad.

2007-01-11 [Driden of Duskblade]: poor hobo :'(

2007-01-11 [maggie the pie]: I love my picture now. Yay. I don't know what to get for Sunday and I might be going to Pensacola tomorrow, so I might skip Thursday and Friday.

2007-01-11 [chuchutrain]:'s funny but harsh (the hobo incident).

2007-01-11 [maggie the pie]: I was like, how is my picture harsh, then read the last part. Oh Ok. Gosh I feel dumb.

2007-01-11 [Lizisthebest]: haha don't worry we all feel that way about you :P jk
heard you guys are going to come up for my bday :P haha

2007-01-12 [Celeste of Darksword]: whaaa????

2007-01-12 [Lizisthebest]: well i heard froma reliable ^^... that you were coming to see me for my birthday

2007-01-12 [Celeste of Darksword]: told me when that was...its...*brain fizzles* the...18th?

2007-01-12 [maggie the pie]: Only crap, so much to happen.

2007-01-12 [chuchutrain]: you guys are coming up...count me in for a gathering ^_^

2007-01-12 [Lizisthebest]: you better come up lol (sorry only know few by name that live in the same area for sure)...Lydia, Curtis of course even though i never hear from him lol, Nessi ^^....umm i don't know if the rest of you live in the same town lol...sorry....and thats all i know by name cept for Maqen but ya its the 18th :P

2007-01-12 [.ash.]: I think almost all live in the same town, or at least somewhere within a 30 mile radius of Drofnarb. ^^

2007-01-12 [Lizisthebest]: lol well im not in the 30 mile radius in like a....hell im not even gunna count that mile radius...okay how bout about 280 KILOMETRES...from Edmonton lol

2007-01-12 [chuchutrain]: I'm there too!!

2007-01-12 [Lizisthebest]: YAY!!!! people from this crappy town lol

2007-01-12 [Lizisthebest]: (btw I got bored and wanted a new definition beside my name lol)

2007-01-12 [.ash.]: Well... I meant us... as in... I dunno... yep...

2007-01-12 [Driden of Duskblade]: ya were going to see the canadans!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh...sorry inside joke between me and lydia...heh

2007-01-12 [Lizisthebest]: ... lol (im just going to laugh and smile for this one) :)

2007-01-12 [maggie the pie]: I think that would be cool, if we went and seen you two. Thats would be really cool, and Dustin is a meanie, he hits women with belts. :[ My leg hurts, her attacked us at lunch. Meanie.

2007-01-12 [Lizisthebest]: oo ouch
and yes you should come....either that or Lydia has to convince her parents to let Steffi stay there too lol...and then Steffi has to convince her parents to let her go to another country with that will work...

2007-01-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...your funny. I'm having a hard enough time convincing my dad of YOU...I mean...I could JUST bring Steffi. ^^ she's a girl! dad, Curtis, Mom...everyone would totally go for that more....JK! *hearts Steve* *huggles*

2007-01-13 [Alleria]: <3

2007-01-13 [Lizisthebest]: lol you know its true though just having a girl would be alot easier then me lol

2007-01-13 [chuchutrain]: belts are nothing...try giant pixie THOSE hurt. Gosh...that would be sweet to head down to the states. But like my parents would let me...I could see it now.
First question: "Who are you going with?"
First answer: "Steve Stewart..."
Second question: "And why are you going?"
Second answer: "Some people I met on the internet."
Third question: "Where are you staying."
Third answer: "The girl who I met online's house."

Yeah...that would go over well... uhuh... *rolls eyes in sarcasm*

2007-01-13 [Alleria]: sounds good to me... my mom would go for it!

2007-01-13 [maggie the pie]: And my mom actually would to, hence why I haven moved so much, because she does that a lot. Like right after I graduate, that is what she is doing.

2007-01-14 [Lizisthebest]: haha i asked my parents my dad it was like
First Question: "Dad can i go to Florida for about 2 weeks and stay with a friend"
First Answer and Second Question: "When?"
Second Answer: "July"
First Phrase: "Have Fun"

then with my mom
First question to first phrase, the same

2007-01-14 [Driden of Duskblade]: geez...i would get a big NOOOOOOOO from my mum...but now i'm 18 so :p i can if i want to...i'd just tell her road trip see you later *walks out door*...*remembers he doesn't have a car* DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-14 [.ash.]: I don't have to ask anyone... It's nice, but I almost miss having to ask for permission. Example: I went to North Carolina last weekend. Why? To visit some friends from work up there. It was kind of weird just getting in a car and going. ^^

2007-01-14 [Lizisthebest]: well i only have to ask for another year really....ya both my mom and my dad when i asked them were just like "You'll be outta school by then so cya"...i think they wanna get rid of me :/ lol

2007-01-14 [chuchutrain]: my parents would be like "HELL NO!" scary when my parents say it like that... *shivers in fright*

2007-01-15 [Lizisthebest]: haha

2007-01-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol, sad thing is, my parents prolly wouldnt let me go either, but "hey mom can Steve come stay with us?"
"Who's Steve?"
"some Canadian I met on the internet"
"How old is he?"
"I age-ish?"
"Is he weird?"

2007-01-16 [Ryo-oki]: Hey Lydia I bet if you told your mom that you where going to Canda with me she'd let you.

2007-01-16 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...i bet she would...

2007-01-16 [chuchutrain]: hahaha
"How old is hi?"
"I age-ish?"
"Is he weird?"

my parents would have had a hissy fit.

2007-01-16 [Lizisthebest]: haha your age-ish?
how old are you again Beaver?

2007-01-16 [Lizisthebest]: nm i got unlazy and checked lol...ya im your age-ish ^^ ill be 17 in....3 wait 2 now ^^

2007-01-17 [Driden of Duskblade]: ya she'll be 18 april fools...*evil grin* LYDIAS GOING TO A GAY CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-17 [Lizisthebest]: haha i know people that have gone ot gay bars lol

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